Surface, Interface Physics and X-ray Spectroscopy – McGuinness (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Surface, Interface Physics and X-ray Spectroscopy Principal Investigator: Asst. Prof. Cormac McGuinness Institution: Trinity College Dublin. School: School of Physics. Research: The groups research interests include the magnetic behaviour of atomic width nanowires arrays capped with noble metals, the formation of extended molecular systems on surfaces through on-surface coupling reactions to […]
Applied Physics Research Group – Shvets (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Applied Physics Research Group Principal Investigator: Prof. Igor V. Shvets Institution: Trinity College Dublin School: School of Physics Research: The Applied Physics Research Group has a broad range of interests within the area of Materials Science, spanning the fundamental to the commercial. As part of this we study the bulk and […]
Surfaces and Interfaces Research Laboratory – Cafolla (DCU)

Topic: X-ray spectroscopy of two dimensional nanostructured materials Title of research group: Surfaces and Interfaces Laboratory. Principal Investigator: Tony Cafolla Institution: Dublin City University School/Centre: Physical Sciences / National Centre for Sensor Research (NCSR) Research: The aim of our research is to study the reactions of small molecules on metal surfaces using a combination of […]