Architecture and Synthesis of Integrated Nanostructures (ASIN) – Duesberg (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Architecture and Synthesis of Integrated Nanostructures (ASIN) Principal Investigator: Prof. Georg S. Duesberg Institution: Trinity College Dublin (CRANN,AMBER) School: School of Chemistry Research: Our group specialises in the synthesis, characterisation and functionalisation of 2D layered materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides like MoS2, with the goal of incorporating these […]
Nanoscience and nanostructures group – Morris (UCC)

Title of Research Group: Nanoscience and nanostructures group Principal Investigator: Prof. Michael Morris Dr Parvaneh Mokarian Institution: University College Cork School: Chemistry Research: Our group focuses on the development of nanoelectronic devices which has strong links to Intel. Our work centres on the development of self-organised block copolymers for the generation of precise surface patterns […]
Functional amorphous carbon materials group – Colavita (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Functional amorphous carbon materials group Principal Investigator: Paula E. Colavita Institution: Trinity College Dublin School: Chemistry Research: The aim of my work is that of improving our understanding of non-crystalline materials in order to translate such understanding into enhanced functionality and practical applications. Over the past years I have focused, […]
Membrane Protein Structural Biology Group – Soulimane (UL)

Title of Research Group: Membrane Protein Structural Biology Group Principal Investigator: Prof. Tewfik Soulimane Institution: University of Limerick School: Chemical & Environmental Sciences/Materials & Surface Science Institute Research: X-ray crystallography of proteins is the gold standard method to obtain atomic resolution structures. For most proteins, the high flux coupled with low beam divergence and tunability […]
Materials and Device Photochemistry Group – Evans (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Materials and Device Photochemistry Group Principal Investigator: Dr Rachel C. Evans Institution: Trinity College Dublin School: School of Chemistry Research: Our research investigates the structural and optoelectronic properties of solution-processable hybrid materials, which find application in solar energy conversion, optical sensing and light-emitting device technologies. Hybrid materials are composites consisting of two constituents, […]
Actinide Group – Baker (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Actinide group Principal Investigator: Prof. Robert Baker Institution: Trinity College Dublin School: School of Chemistry Research: My group are interested in exploring the chemistry of the early actinides from a fundamental and applied point of view. We are interested in how U, Np and Am change over the long timescales represented […]