Laser Plasma Group – Costello (DCU)

Title of Research Group: Laser Plasma Group Principal Investigator: Prof John Costello, Prof Eugene Kennedy, Dr. Lampros Nikolopolus Dr. Jean-Paul Mosnier, Dr. Paddy Hayden Institution: Dublin City University School: School of Physical Sciences / NCPST Research: We use SR and FEL sources (mainly FEL) to elucidate the nature electron dynamics of small quantum systems under […]
Surface, Interface Physics and X-ray Spectroscopy – McGuinness (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Surface, Interface Physics and X-ray Spectroscopy Principal Investigator: Asst. Prof. Cormac McGuinness Institution: Trinity College Dublin. School: School of Physics. Research: The groups research interests include the magnetic behaviour of atomic width nanowires arrays capped with noble metals, the formation of extended molecular systems on surfaces through on-surface coupling reactions to […]
Applied Physics Research Group – Shvets (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Applied Physics Research Group Principal Investigator: Prof. Igor V. Shvets Institution: Trinity College Dublin School: School of Physics Research: The Applied Physics Research Group has a broad range of interests within the area of Materials Science, spanning the fundamental to the commercial. As part of this we study the bulk and […]
Surface and Interfaces Research Laboratory – Hughes (DCU)

Title of Research Group: Surface and Interface Research Laboratory Principal Investigator: Prof Greg Hughes, Dr. Rob O’Connor Institution: Dublin City University School: School of Physical Sciences Research: Our research insterests are primarily focused on understanding metal/semiconductor, metal/dielectric, and semidconcutor/dielectric interfaces for advanced CMOS applications. We are partilcuarly interested in researching potential new materials for use […]
Surfaces and Interfaces Research Laboratory – Cafolla (DCU)

Topic: X-ray spectroscopy of two dimensional nanostructured materials Title of research group: Surfaces and Interfaces Laboratory. Principal Investigator: Tony Cafolla Institution: Dublin City University School/Centre: Physical Sciences / National Centre for Sensor Research (NCSR) Research: The aim of our research is to study the reactions of small molecules on metal surfaces using a combination of […]
Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Group – Sokell (UCD)

Title of Research Group: Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Group Principal Investigator: Dr Emma Sokell Institution: University College Dublin School: Physics Research: The Spectroscopy Group conducts research into Atomic, Molecular and Laser Produced Plasma Physics, supporting experimental observations with atomic structure calculations and plasma modeling and simulation. One aspect of these studies is the investigation of double […]
Magnetism and Spin Electronics – Coey (TCD)

Title of Research Group: Magnetism and Spin Electronics Principal Investigator: Prof. J. M. D. Coey Institution: Trinity College Dublin School: CRANN/AMBER & School of Physics Research: The research of the group is focused on the growth and characterisation of new magnetic materials and their integration in demonstrator-like spin electronic devices. This includes structural, magnetic and […]